Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Major Preggo Brain...

Hi everyone!! 

So this is long overdue, let's just say I have been suffering from major preggo brain!! Who knew? It's actually real!! LOL!! Well the last month has been crazy busy, most of it is a blur because I can barely remember what day it is. I do know we went to the Arnold Classic and had a blast! Here are some highlights:

We got to see Layne's parents while we were in Ohio. It was so great to see them and spend time with them. They loved seeing the bump!!

And then the Arnold weekend madness began!! I was exhausted by the end of it and my hubby was such a trooper! He worked his tooshie off! He worked at the booth all weekend and was one of the commentators for their web-cast coverage. Hearing his name being announced on the Arnold Stage was amazing!! So proud of him!! I helped cover the women's events for Always a blast to be able to walk backstage and see all the action up close and personal. This year was especially exciting as three of our friends did awesome! Candice Keene won the women's figure, Tanji Johnson won the fitness and Ben Pakulski placed 2nd. How we celebrated you may ask? They were all going to parties and dinner and we went to bed! This preggo mama, needed to get the heels off and put my feet up.
Sunday was great! We spent all day at the expo and got the chance to meet and talk to some amazing people!

I also got the chance to speak and spend some time with the beautiful and also preggo Jaime Eason. She is such a sweetheart and so down to earth.And yes her hubby photobomed our pic!!

Here is a picture of the hubby and I at the expo on Friday:

Here is a photo of the beautiful, hot mama and dear friend Darielle Singerman at the women's finals on Friday night:

Here I am with my dear friend and also hot and preggo mama, Amanda Vasallo:

I also got the chance to meet two beautiful Oxygen models, Chelcea Gonzales and Brianna Mogg. Baby Robert is already hanging out with models, he's one lucky baby boy! :)

And here is one of my favorite photos of the whole weekend taken by Amanda, of the hubby and I after the men's finals:

As far as my pregnancy, everything is going great! I am so blessed and happy that everything is going well. We will be at the 24wk mark this upcoming Friday. I am still working out 4-5 times a week. Doing cardio and I just started doing pre-natal yoga. Oh and it needs to be mentioned, Layne has been experiencing sympathy preggo brain!! LOL!! Let's just say he left a suitcase in one city when we were in another, we had to drive back to get it and then travel another city from there! Uggh I wanted  to kill him! :)
I am excited to be going home next week to see my family! Can't wait to see their reactions when they see the bump! PR the Norton's are coming home! :)

I meant to post this video last month,but I forgot! LOL!! So here is a video of me squatting 135lbs at 5 months preggo. :)

Until next time!!

1 comment:

  1. Isabel you r such a beautiful preggo lady... what a glow
